The Bottom of the Backpack!
Please check your student's folder every day! We send important letters, flyers and messages home in your child's folder daily.
We know that sometimes those messages get crushed up in the bottom of the backpack! Oh no! .... But we want to help.... so, if you were looking for something in your student's folder, and you don't see it, take a look here.
Candy Cane Fundraiser: The PTO will be doing a fundraiser. Here is the the flyer with the information for this fundraiser.
2024 Pajama Day Information: December 13th, and here is the flyer for information about the day.
First Grade: Permission slips for Thanksgiving cornbread and butter. Return to your student's teacher this week, or they will not be able to participate.
Tinker Tags: Here is our flyer about our new student reward program, as well as information about how to become a sponsor.
PBIS Guidelines for 2024/2025 School Year. If you have not signed and returned this, please do so as soon as possible. (Posted, 11/12/24)
Picture Day is scheduled for Thursday, November 21, 2024. All information is located on this flyer.